Sunday, January 6, 2008

Back to train with the Team

I am going to say it is good to be back. Not having people to run with everyday sucks. My training has been going o.k. The week of the 24th my mileage fell due to my parents who were both sick, I tried to avoid them as much as possible,but that is hard during the holidays. I ended up having a whole 32 miles that week. I am going to run 10-12 today and will end up with 60-62 on the week. My overall fitness feels rather weak right now and I am hoping that is just because of the medicine I am taking hopfully this week I can get back to training with the guys and jump right back to where I want to be.


  1. Have you thought about running the half-marathon championships next month.

  2. I have thought about it but I am going to wait until May to run my first Half.

  3. When is your next race?
