Monday, February 11, 2008

Meyo invite

This past weekend our team went to the Notre Dame Meyo invite. This is meet is always one of the better meets in the nation. Notre Dame's indoor track is simply amazing, it's 320 meters which makes it amazing for long sprinters as well as distance runners. I was a little worried going in to this meet since i've been banged up the past 2 weeks. I've been dealing with some tendonitis for the last month and these past 2 weeks my training has been sup par. My miles went from 75, to 60, and then 44. However I managed to get some decent cross training in and it kind of gave me an opportunity to take a weekend off (I didn't run at our last meet). Anyways, I ended up running the 5k at meyo and my goal (as usual) was to finally run under 15mins. Since it had been about a week since I ran a workout I really wasn't sure how I was going to feel, so I really didn't get to hung up on breaking 15 ( usually I think about splits the whole week..haha).

The race went out around 70 second pace because some of the big east kids needed to qualify for conference, so this set up perfect for me I decided I would just hang on as long as possible. I stayed on the pack till about 2miles when they made a move and I didn't react soon enough. With about a lap to go I knew as long as I didn't start walking I would be under final time ended up being 14:55. This is the first race in two years (and the first track race) that I haven't been dissapointed in afterwards. Although I know I can run much faster this is one goal that i've had for a few years and im really glad to put a check mark next to it. So, this means since my senior year of high school my 5k pr has went from 16:56 to 14:55 not to shabby..haha. This coming week I will be running the 3k and hopefully I will come up with another PR.

Well the 5k was great and all, but the real high light of this weekend was brought to you by none other then Jordan Fife..haha. Fife was in the meyo mile going for the elusive sub 4 mile that he missed by .14 last weekend. This was by far the best mile field he had ever been in the list included, Grant Robinson, Sam bair, Jeff See, Jack bolas, Dorian ulrey, and few more great milers. At the start of the race Fife got squeezed to the very back of the pack while the favorites tuck in a few meters behind the rabbit (Scott " I'll lead you to glory" Overall). Now usually this isn't a big deal because Fife has one of the best kicks I have ever seen but he usually isn't kicking against these high caliber guys. So, needless to say all us sycamores started to get worried as he stayed in the back for 1lap,2laps,3laps..etc. The pack came through 800 around 2:00 while Fife came striding through at about 2:02high. Coming into the bell lap he had moved up slightly to the back of the main pack....coming into the last turn the kid had maybe passed one person on the lead pack. By this time we are going crazy and although these guys are good we know that it is a matter of time till those knees start lifting like crazy...and sure enough coming off the turn Fife is well.....straight rollin! Coming down the straight away he's pasting people left and right while the announcer is yelling "and here comes fife!"(it reminds you of billy mills when the announcer went crazy for him). Fife past everone except Jack Bolas from wisconsin who was just to far ahead....when fife crossed the line we heard 3:59 but we wanted to wait for the offical time. When his time came up 3:59.75 all of us Sycamore distance guys sprinted down there and gave him a hug...haha. As of right now this is probably going down as one as my greatest running related memories. Its always cool to see someone go sub 4, but when its one of your best friends and you were around when he couldn't break 4mins in the 1500 its pretty special.

On a side note I should have an interview with Fife after he runs the USA indoor championships. We were almost done with it but once we thought there was a chance he would go sub 4 and run at USA indoors we figured we might as well wait..haha.

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