Sunday, March 30, 2008

First meet of my last season

(in case your wondering that tattoo on my back is Indiana State's athletic symbol...sycamore for life baby...haha)

Well, this weekend I had my first outdoor meet of my last outdoor season as a sycamore and I must say it is by far the most positive opener I've ever had. I ran the 5k at eastern Illinois at a very low key meet. My teammate and I ( Michael Disher...a freshman who is going to be a beast!..ha ha) decided we would switch the lead every 400 since it was kind of windy. I led the first lap coming through in 70 and it felt surprisingly easy especially since I've been doing 10k training and most of my workouts have been at 10k pace or slower. Anyways, Disher and I switched back and forth running between 71's and 73's and we finished up running 14:57 (Disher) and 15:00(me). The only thing that sucked is some unattached guy passed us with like 700 to go and ended up beating us...oh well. I am really pleased with this race I felt like if I would of tried to push the pace a little earlier I could of ran 14:50 or so. I felt really strong the whole race in till about 3 laps to go when I needed to start dropping it partly because of not doing anything fast yet and partly because my stomach felt terrible ( use your imagination...ha ha). This opener really has me excited for the rest of the year I really feel like this 10k training is working out well for me. My last two openers have been in the 15:30's and by the end of the year I ended up running 15:00's, so I'm hoping this year I can run around 14:40. This coming week we are headed back to EIU and I believe I am running the steeple my p.r. is 9:30 so anything under that would be great....or just a win would do.

Training wise I hit 75 miles this week and this coming week I am probably going to run around that or lower. I've been at 80 for about 3 weeks, so Derick wants me to take a couple down weeks and then go back up. This is by far the most I've ran during this part of the season, so I think backing it down for a sec is the smart thing to do. Now that I think about it backing down to 70-75 is still more then I'm usually at right now...usually I'm coming back from some sort of injury right now and trying to hit 50ish or 60 miles a week...ha ha.

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