Monday, April 28, 2008

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Well Hello all,
Its been a while, Sorry for the neglect. I have been busy trying to shuffle work, class, and running. Since class is almost done my free time will hopefully open up a lot more which should help my training out a lot more. Well I have felt my training has been going rather well. Even though I have not raced much and my race results have not been particular great. I ran a 1500 fresh for the first time a week and half ago at Rose Hulman. I ran 4:00.03 which I was very happy with (because I usually do not have much speed. Then this past weekend I ran my first 10k of the season at Hillsdale, which turned out to be a total disaster. I ran 31:27. I felt pretty good for about the first 4k. I was running with the group at about 3:00k pace and somewhere between 4.5k and 5k I just pretty much gave up. Started a nice tempo run it seemed like, I was just not feeling the race, I usually race pretty good in big races, but I sure did not this weekend. But everybody has a bad race every now and then, and you just have to put those races behind you and look ahead to the future. I am actually in St. Louis right now to watch Jordan Fife run mile on the track. The race is the same I referred to a previous post. Big River is Hosting the race at St. Louis University High School. It should be pretty fun. This weekend I will be traveling to Indy to run my first half-marathon and hopefully things will go very good. Well I will fill you in on how things go at Indy.

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